About us
Emil Nyström
I was 12 years old, my friends told me about this game called Warhammer. I played the game and painted miniatures as though my life depended on it. I wasn’t very good at it - but I had so much fun. At 15, life happened. I started playing in a band, got older, toured Europe as a guitarist in a metal band, got a kid, started working as a photographer and art director, got another kid… and another one.
It’s been 20 years since 12 years old Emil entered Fantasia to play Warhammer for the first time. And even with a 16 years old hiatus, I manage to find my way back to that childhood love of mine.
I’m back in to the hobby with a fresh view, a lot of experience and a heart beating to paint miniatures, hobby, play games and produce some great video content.
My goal with the video channel is to get a personal output for my creativity, share my knowledge to other like minded people and just have a ton of fun.
Follow Emil on Instagram
lukas Holmström
To understand where it all started we must travel back in time all the way to 2008 and a 8 year old Lukas. A new kid had just started in my class and was playing this game called “Warhammer” and I immediately fell for the ruse. The next week I painted my first ever miniature, Frodo Baggins, of course painting Sting so that it had the iconic blue glow.
In February 2021 my painting career and life took an unexpected turn, when Emil asked me if I wanted to be part of the channel. I made some hard negotiations and agreed to join if I got some cookies, that I still to this day haven’t seen…
Since painting that Frodo Baggins I’ve never stopped loving Warhammer and Im now more excited and have an urge to continue doing cool stuff and paint awesome minis.
Follow Lukas on Instagram
Get in touch
Shop: sales@squidmar.com
Emil: emil@squidmar.com
Please send us an email before sending stuff. We’ll provide it to anyone who has good intentions! :)