Behold, the coming of the great squid!

Welcome, fellow miniature painters and nerdists


In September 2024, we launched five unique new Squidmar products.

We partnered with Harder & Steenbeck to create a limited-edition version of the redesigned Infinity Airbrush. With Redgrass Games, we designed the most stunning version of the Redgrass XL wet palette ever made. And with Vallejo, we curated three exclusive paint sets—36 paints in total—so you can use the same colors we rely on every day!

our videos

Hours of video content about miniature painting, terrain building, hobby tips and general nerd stuff

Our Gear

An extensive list of the gear we use day to day, with links to where you can buy it

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Miniature gallery

Explore Emil and Lukas’ work

Devotees of the squid

Want to find more about the founders of Squidmar - Emil Nyström and Lukas Holmström? Look no further.